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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Heaven Can Wait by Cally Taylor

I was really excited about reading this book after seeing it in the Bibliarch. I enjoyed the flight of the imagination of the story: Cally Taylor’s vision of heaven, limbo, tasks and ghosts. I particularly liked Lucy’s housemates from “The House of Wannabe Ghosts”. There are so many clever touches and laugh out loud moments that every chapter was a new delight and I couldn't wait to see how Lucy dealt with the challenges she faced. The secondary characters were appealing too; I cared about what happened to them and was glad that trouble was taken to resolve many of their issues. More so, I couldn't help but feel sorry for someone who dies the night before her wedding, and that’s Lucy.

I laughed. I cried. This book made me feel very grateful for the people I still have in my life for we don't know when an accident could take them away.

Obviously, I've never died but I still found myself to relate to Lucy, which is why I couldn't stop welling up and getting a chunk in my throat when she described how much she misses Dan and laughing (and snorting like a pig - on the bus of all places) when she did and said silly things. I couldn’t help myself to see in her part of my character before; daft things she said, using wrong words and making silly mistakes (but as what I’ve said, that was before. Haha). Lucy is kind hearted, loyal and funny and that's why she is a loveable character and you can't help but care what happens to her. Connecting myself with the character straight away for me is a sign that the book is a winner.
On the other hand, being a dead character she came across as very real in which reminded me also of a Koreanovela, “Pure Love”. The protagonist of the story is also about to marry but then an accident happened which caught her into a coma. Same with this novel, she accepted a challenge in order for her to recover from her situation and to be with her fiancĂ© and family again. The pressure is also there since she found out the true color of her best friend and her fiancĂ©. However, it didn’t end happily for it was just all a short time and temporary, and so, she died.

I found the end emotional and very satisfying and it left me wondering what does happen when we die. I think any book that leaves you with questions like that while allowing you to have a good laugh at the same time has got to be a good one. There are twists and turns and all the way through, I'm thinking how is Cally Taylor going to tie this up, to give a decent ending? Can this situation of Lucy happen for real? Would Lucy still be happy if she accomplished the task and be a ghost forever, being an immortal and considering Dan as a mortal one?

The plot of the book itself took many unexpected turns along the way. Towards the end I thought I knew what was going to happen but then I'm pleased to say I didn't. I think Dan would also realize then how hard it would be to Lucy to be parted away from him just like how hard it is on his part. Though Anna, her friend is trying to take an advantage to Dan, she won’t still be successful because a pure heart will always prevail.

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